Hostesses in many occasions are the first point of contact with customers therefore a good election of hostesses who represent the company’s image is critical. In Check In Hostess we have professionals available for all needs:
Exhibition/Congress hostess
Hostesses trained in planning and conducting congresses, multilingual and with the ability to respond to unforeseen circumstances that could occur during the celebration of the event. Among their responsibilities is also included the assembly and distribution of conference material, organization saloon and information points, and question-and-answer session.
Native multilingual hostess
Hostess with native level in foreign language capable of consecutive interpretation (simultaneous translation is done).
Hostesses whose responsibility is focused on greeting and assisting during displacements of groups attending conventions and other activities in a city other than of origin.
Reception hostess
Hostesses with administrative skills performing basic office functions such as answering the phone, receiving documents, scheduling meetings, language skills, minor administrative tasks, etc.
Hostess of formal functions
Hostess with general knowledge and ability to deal with protocol regimes in different areas. They are specialized in the reception and orientation of honored guests and official authorities.
Model hostess
Highly educated models for diverse assignments with public relations skills and an excellent physical presence. They have extensive experience in welcoming guests at social events, award ceremonies, presentations, cultural and sports activities.
Coordination hostess
Hostess responsible of organization and coordination of personnel involved in the event, which manages the tasks of monitoring and responding for the proper performance of the team.